Lo que pasa por la cabeza de un linuxero cuando se va a casar:
usuario $> apt-get install wife
#wife: The following dependencies will be installed:
wife-house, wife-car, wife-friends, wife-parents, wife-no-more-TV-sports,
wife-no-more-partys-with-friends, wife-no-more-table, wife-no-more-pretty-friends,
wife-kids, wife-back-early, wife-money
#The following packages will be upgraded:
ego-restrainer, freedom-less, temperament-restrainer, inatiative-restrainer
Estimated installation time: 48 years
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
La misma pregunta frente al altar, pero vista desde otro angulo. El creador de este chiste plasmo muy bien la perspectiva del matrimonio....jejejeje...chekalo aqui:
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